If your asking me, How's being in the 8th grade? I would say that so far it has been kind of a crazy yet exciting year to start off. I only like this school year more because it's ending faster than the previous year ended and that is good news to me. I don't really like school but, I go to make something out of myself and to make my mother proud of me.
I go to school everyday and get to experience new things like learning about things that I didn't know about last year. But I guess that's just the exciting thing about being in a another grade you get to learn something new almost everyday. Learning new things expands the brain and then you become smarter than before because you just learned something new so that goes into your brain and then you get more knowledge into your brain.
I can say that it has been a fun year so far, I have fun people that I hang out with daily and I can tell you that it is very fun being with them. They make me smile everyday and just overall they all are good people. I love hanging out with them because they just make my day. Just know that the ones that you keep close are the ones that you trust the most, and also beware of those that can or will turn on you in a heartbeat. That's why you should always been careful, watch who you hang out with, follow no one and be a leader not a follower. Be yourself and only yourself.
I go to school everyday and get to experience new things like learning about things that I didn't know about last year. But I guess that's just the exciting thing about being in a another grade you get to learn something new almost everyday. Learning new things expands the brain and then you become smarter than before because you just learned something new so that goes into your brain and then you get more knowledge into your brain.
I can say that it has been a fun year so far, I have fun people that I hang out with daily and I can tell you that it is very fun being with them. They make me smile everyday and just overall they all are good people. I love hanging out with them because they just make my day. Just know that the ones that you keep close are the ones that you trust the most, and also beware of those that can or will turn on you in a heartbeat. That's why you should always been careful, watch who you hang out with, follow no one and be a leader not a follower. Be yourself and only yourself.